Bee / Baxter

Bee / Baxter

Full name Bee
Aliases Baxter, "Huck"
Gender Genderqueer
Pronouns They/them
Age 20s
Orientation Aro-ace
Species Unknown, somewhat eldritch
Status Around, but inactive


host of the system until 2020. digital illustrator with major special interests in insects (especially bees) and worldbuilding.


humanoid with dark brown hair. body is dark and chitinous; limbs are stick-like. wears a yellow plastic-esque mask with antennae and a smiley face, and a white sweater with orange accents and a symbol of a bee on it. more limbs and body parts appear to be concealed under the sweater; the full extent of their body is unknown but they are known to reveal extra arms at will.

Fan work preferences
Fanworks Allowed
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THIS PROFILE REPRESENTS A REAL PERSON. It doubles both as a "mascot" representation of themselves and as an actual form exhibited by the system member in question.

  • Fanart is always okay!
  • Please ask before making gift art, but we will almost always say yes. We would just rather have a heads-up.
  • NO NSFW unless you get explicit permission from us. This permission will only be extended to certain friends.
    • This includes: sexual content, gore, fetish/kink art of any kind.
  • Please do not kin or self-ship yourself with us. Please do not publicly identify as us (e.g. introjects).
14 Rating: This site contains slightly offensive material. High chance of mild
				swearing, partial nudity, violence and adult themes.

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