

Medium Text primarily (comic/novel?)
Genre Fantasy
Rating Mature
Warnings Mild sexual content, suicide and self-harm as major themes
Authors Desmond and Cooper
Status Unreleased
Release date Unreleased

The puppet country of [TODO] is stunned by the abrupt deaths of multiple wealthy lords. The lords' bodies show no signs of struggle, and the deaths are chalked up to a mysterious magical murderer by the name of Threadbare, the only puppet who can kill without a trace. The military vows to bring the killer to justice.

Meanwhile, two lords permit their subject, Marzell, to seek and confront the criminal himself. But he does not fancy himself a hero.


act 1

Marzell manages to convince his lords to let him out for once to confront Threadbare. he acquires a sword but no training and seeks the figure out. he meets a puppet named Eleonore, who reveals herself to be the one he seeks. she tries to reason with him, but he threatens her with true, painful death; she has little choice but to strike him down with the sword of her killer alias's namesake.

act 2

Lore brings Mars's body all the way back to her home, having to talk her way past a river gate control guard in the process. she revives Mars and reveals the existence of "Threads" to him, invisible magic forces that allow a puppet's body to move. devastated that he is unable to die by the terms he desires, he desires to leave, never to be seen again; Lore promises to give him the death he wants if he stays with her until the lord shows up again in a month.

over the month, Mars learns how to live in a world that is not hostile to him and begins to have second thoughts about the whole death thing.

a month passes, and the lord shows up with the military-police in tow.

act 3

they get arrested. the military sees Mars as a potential recruit; the devil-puppet Lore, however, must go. the two have little choice but to kill a few soldiers; the sound of shattering wood sends Mars's mind careening at the edge. he considers that death may be the only way out after all.

they escape.


im not sure what comes next.


if i ever adapted this to a real Story i think in certain parts of the story there should be various puppet myths and legends told seemingly unrelated to the central plot of the story. especially explaining certain worldbuilding concepts, like magic and devils


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