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Appeared in 2022. Uh....................



Fan work preferences
Fanworks Allowed
Commissions Ask first

THIS PROFILE REPRESENTS A REAL PERSON. It doubles both as a "mascot" representation of themselves and as an actual form exhibited by the system member in question.

  • Fanart is always okay!
  • Please ask before making gift art, but we will almost always say yes. We would just rather have a heads-up.
  • NO NSFW unless you get explicit permission from us. This permission will only be extended to certain friends.
    • This includes: sexual content, gore, fetish/kink art of any kind.
  • Please do not kin or self-ship yourself with us. Please do not publicly identify as us (e.g. introjects).
14 Rating: This site contains slightly offensive material. High chance of mild
				swearing, partial nudity, violence and adult themes.

This website has been rated Web-14 for strong language and crude sexual humor. Some parts of this website may also contain content filtered to 18+ audiences. By clicking the checkbox below, you agree that you are an adult.

(These settings may be changed at any time via Content Options in the navigation bar.)