unnamed Simon Aalders game

unnamed Simon Aalders game

Medium Video game
Genre Survival horror
Rating Mature
Warnings Gore/violence, recreational drug use
Authors Huck and Vyn
Length 1-2 hours per run, maybe?
Status Unreleased
Release date Unreleased

A survival horror game. You play as Simon Aalders, an escapee from the planet Acrem. You are on a spaceship. You are being hunted. Survive for seven days.


You're on a spaceship with semi-randomized contents, trapped with a spaceship AI who does not like you but is willing to cooperate for the sake of both of your guys' survival. The AI manages critical systems, such as ship status, navigations, power, and oxygen levels, and will report on these at will; if the AI ever dies, you may have to manage these things more manually.

Each day is a set amount of time; you have to survive seven of them. In the vacuum of space, various monsters will attempt to approach and attach the spaceship, which is poorly-equipped for handling these threats. Using the items on the ship you may need to fend off these monsters, and afterwards use other items to manage Simon's health and mental state.

The monsters in question are highly anomalous and capable of impossible biological feats. These abilities may lead to permanent (for the rest of the run) injury.

The journey is not easy. You will probably die a lot.


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